List of steel products and materials

Steel products, materials, services and technologies

LogisticsMechel Mining and metals company


Mechel is committed to maximum efficiency in its transportation operations and actively develops its own logistics. The company’s logistics division includes two sea ports and one river port, as well as transport operators. Use of Mechel’s own...
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Machine toolsSSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Machine tools

Power up your performance when machining Hardox® wear plate! SSAB has partnered with leading producers to develop machine tools that are made to match the high performance of Hardox® wear plate. You’ll be able to machine faster and more...
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MiningMechel Mining and metals company


Mechel’s mining segment comprises facilities producing and selling coking coal concentrate, iron ore concentrate and coke, which are chief raw materials for production of steel and steam coal. Apart from providing for the needs of our steel and...
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OCTGTenaris Leading supplier


Unparalleled product and service portfolio. We combine innovative technology, reliable product quality and efficient service. Our TenarisHydril Wedge and Blue® connections offer an unmatched range of product solutions to meet the needs of...
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Offshore line pipeTenaris Leading supplier

Offshore line pipe

Deep experience, ultra deep expertise. Offshore developments require the highest levels of reliability, experience, project management and flexibility. On every count, we deliver.
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Offshore marine energySSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Offshore marine energy

SSAB have together with our customers succeeded to reduce weight, increase strength and service life and made cranes reach longer for 40 years. SSAB offers significant weight and cost reductions without compromising safety. SSAB have Offshore and...
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Onshore line pipeTenaris Leading supplier

Onshore line pipe

Going beyond pipe requirements. Onshore developments require high levels of reliability, experience, project management and flexibility. On every count, we deliver. We offer integral, customized solutions, from pipe production to services and...
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Peeled BarAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing

Peeled Bar

Hot rolled, peeled, straightened and cut product. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program of investments,...
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Plate (N1)Acerinox Stainless steel manufacturing

Plate (N1)

Material in sheet form, hot rolled, annealed and pickled. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program of...
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PowerMechel Mining and metals company


Mechel’s power segment enables the Group to sell some of the steam coal it produces, profit from supplies of end product to third parties on the free market and supply the Group’s enterprises with electricity. The Group’s power assets are managed...
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Power generationTenaris Leading supplier

Power generation

Technical excellence to meet the most challenging demands. Our products and services meet the heat transfer industry's most stringent requirements, allowing power plant builders and owners to reduce their cost of ownership and maximize power...
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ProfilesAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing


Straightened and cut bars or in coils. Square, triangle and equal side star forms. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a...
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Raw material handlingSSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Raw material handling

In raw material handling, wear resistance is a key factor for operations in mines and quarries. SSAB’s Hardox® wear plate offers a unique combination of toughness, hardness and workshop properties. Its excellent toughness enables end users of...
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Reinforcement WireAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing

Reinforcement Wire

High corrosion resistance, high ductility and high fire resistance. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program...
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Rig Direct®Tenaris Leading supplier

Rig Direct®

Partnering from mill to well. With Rig Direct®, we partner with oil and gas customers throughout their drilling projects. It begins with well planning, where our technical experts optimize product selection to maximize performance while...
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SalesMechel Mining and metals company


One of Mechel’s key competitive advantages lies in its own flexible and ramified sales network, as well as a well thought-out sales policy. The policy is based on the aspiration to create long-term and mutually profitable partnerships with our...
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SlabAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing


Product from melting shop for further hot rolling. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program of investments,...
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Stainless SteelThe POSCO Quality

Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a special steel featuring a splendid surface and good resistance to rust. As a high value-added product, stainless steel can be used for diverse areas without requiring any additional treatment.
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SteelMechel Mining and metals company


The business of Mechel’s steel segment includes manufacturing of rolled products from carbon steel and specialty steels, flat stainless steel products, structural shapes, high value-added steel products, including hardware and stampings, as well...
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Steel PlateThe POSCO Quality

Steel Plate

Steel plates are hot rolled products that have a relatively high thickness. Products having a thickness of over 4.5 mm are classified as steel plates, and those having a thickness of over 100 mm are called thick steel plates. Slabs of steel...
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TitaniumThe POSCO Quality


Featuring white metallic gloss, titanium is light, extremely strong and highly resistant to corrosion. Its main applications include shipbuilding, power generation and medical devices. POSCO makes one of the best titanium products in the world...
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TransportationSSAB Highly-specialized global steel company


Whether on land, at sea or in the air, you’ll find SSAB steel in transportation and infrastructure solutions that powerfully impact our world.
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Welding consumablesSSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Welding consumables

Before you power up your welding machine, make sure you have the best welding consumables for the job. With welding consumables made to match the high performance of Hardox® wear plate, you can amp up your productivity, achieve superior quality...
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WireAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing


The stainless steel wire has a wide range of general applications. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program...
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Wire RodThe POSCO Quality

Wire Rod

Wire rods are available in the form of coils. The cross-section of the rod ranges from 5.5 to 42 mm. Billets produced from a continuous casting system are rolled, cooled and coiled into the sizes required by the customers.
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Wire RodAcerinox Stainless steel manufacturing

Wire Rod

Hot rolled product, in coils or cut. ACERINOX is known worldwide as the one of the most competitive group in the world in stainless steel manufacturing. From its constitution, it has carried out a continuous program of investments, with...
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Workshop solutionsSSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Workshop solutions

In SSAB we have substantial knowledge in working with high-strength steel. By offering the whole solution we can give even better customer support by putting our knowledge to best possible use.
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Yellow goods and contruction machinerySSAB Highly-specialized global steel company

Yellow goods and contruction machinery

Yellow goods, used for road construction and other kinds of earthmoving activities, operate in harsh conditions. Its components are subject to wear and abrasion from asphalt, rocks and other abrasive materials. Simultaneously, all frame...
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