Machine tools

Power up your performance when machining Hardox® wear plate! SSAB has partnered with leading producers to develop machine tools that are made to match the high performance of Hardox® wear plate. You’ll be able to machine faster and more accurately, avoid premature wear, and gain a long tool life without pilot breakage.
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- Fit for purpose, made to match
- Our range of machine tools includes:
- Countersink sets (for conical holes). Great results even under unstable conditions.
- Counterbore sets (for cylindrical flat-bottom holes). Made of an extremely tough material.
- HSS-Co8% drills, for efficient machining of Hardox® wear plate up to Hardox® 500 without CNC machines and solid carbide drills.
- Delivery
All products can be ordered online and they will ship right to your door, usually within 7 days. Standard pricing for orders within the EU. For orders outside the EU, please request a custom quote.
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