Welding consumables

Welding consumables

Before you power up your welding machine, make sure you have the best welding consumables for the job. With welding consumables made to match the high performance of Hardox® wear plate, you can amp up your productivity, achieve superior quality and minimize the risk of hydrogen cracks.

  • Electrodes

  • Wire

  • Fit for purpose, made to match
    In partnership with a leading producer, SSAB brings you welding products that make a perfect match for welding Hardox® wear plate. And they can even be used to weld mild steel or stainless steel. Whether you use MMA (SMAW), MAG, FCAW OR MCAW, we offer a range of wires and stick electrodes in different thicknesses to meet your needs.

    • Solid wire, flux cored wire and metal cored wire, also available in bulk.
    • Stick electrodes, a great choice when welding Hardox® wear plate off site in humid or tough conditions. Choose stainless steel for extra-high resistance.

  • Delivery
    All products can be ordered online and they will ship right to your door, usually within 7 days. Standard pricing for orders within the EU. For orders outside the EU, please request a custom quote.


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