Cold Rolled Steel

Cold Rolled Steel

Cold rolled steel is made using hot rolled steel through pickling, cold rolling and heat treatment. It is relatively thin with a thickness of 0.2 mm to 2.0 mm. Cold rolled steel is highly aesthetic and easily machinable, thus widely used for premium applications in modern society. We are increasingly focused on offering value-added products as demand for highly functional, cold rolled products is rising.
We operate two plants in Pohang and four in Gwangyang to produce cold rolled steel. Cold rolled steel’s applications range from home appliances including motor vehicles, washing machines and fridges to industrial and architectural uses. In addition, as new applications for this steel emerge, including steel cans and steel houses, we focus on delivering products of greater added value and expanding their applications.


Product variants

  • Mild Steel

    Mild Steel has a low carbon content and is relatively soft, having a tensile strength of no greater than 340 MPa. Its good elongation and great formability make the steel popular for many applications ranging from regular to sophisticated machining.Its most common application is automotive parts.


  • High Strength Steel

    Featuring deep drawing and high strength, high strength steel can be classified into bake-hardening steel, solid-solution strengthening and precipitation hardening steel. It also has many variants: BH (bake-hardenable) steel, HSLA (high strength low alloy), R (rephosphorized) steel, IF (interstitial free) HSS, ATOS (AuTOmobile structural) steel and HB(Hyper Burring) steel.


  • Advanced High Strength Steel

    Advanced High Strength Steel is metallurgically classified as transformation toughened steel using low-temperature transformation structure. Its variants include DP (Dual Phase) steel, TRIP (TRansformation Induced Plasticity) steel, XF (eXtra Formable) steel, TWIP (TWinning Induced Plasticity) steel, CP (Complex Phase) steel, Mart (Martensitic) Steel and FB (Ferrite and Bainite) steel. Among the variants, those with a tensile strength of over 1 GPa are referred to as Giga Steel.


  • Post Heat Treatment Steel

    Post Heat Treatment Steel allows you to define heating/cooling conditions before or after the processing of steel. Its types include HPF (Hot Press Forming) steel, Autobeam and Stab (Stabilizer).
    * Autobeam and Stab are registered product names.


  • Black Plate for Tin Plating (BP)

    After plating, customers use our black plates to make diverse containers such as cans for food and powdered milk, industrial tubes, 2 piece cans, tuna cans, easy open ends and butane gas cans. tuna cans, easy open ends and butane gas cans.


  • Steel for Porcelain Enameling

    This cold rolled steel is ideal for the application of enamel to improve heat resistance, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance, surface gloss and/or other attributes. After the application of enamel, the steel has a higher strength, greater resistance to heat and abrasion and unique aesthetic surface features. For this reason, it is used extensively for inner and outer panels of home appliances, building walls, kitchen appliances, bathtubs and many other applications.


  • Sulfuric Acid Resistant Steel

    Installations running on fossil fuels, such as generators at thermal power plants and boilers, are susceptible to corrosion caused by sulfur oxides (SOx) contained in the exhaust gas. Sulfuric Acid Resistant Steel steel features a good resistance to corrosion that makes it ideal for applications where sulfuric acid is abundant, such as desulfurizing systems and smoke vents. This can help you save on maintenance costs and better respond to tightening environmental regulations.


  • Full Hard Steel

    This steel is only made by cold-rolling hot rolled steel. It has a very high strength and hardness, but low flexibility. Its typical applications include bands for packaging and post-processing after galvanizing.



6261, Donghaean-ro,
Nam-gu, Pohang-si,
Republic of Korea


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